You're The Queen of Hearts Baby é a uma canção que é presente no episódio "Bathtub Bashful" de Os 7A, foi cantada por Dengoso e os demais anões.
Dengoso: You’re the queen of hearts baby
Os 7A: You’re the queen of hearts baby
Dengoso: And I need some spades
Os 7A: He needs some spades
Dengoso: I’m gonna dig you up a diamond
The kind that never fades
We make a perfect pair
Just singing our serenade
You’re the queen of hearts baby
Os 7A: You’re the queen of hearts baby
Dengoso: Let me join you club
Os 7A: Let him join your club
Dengoso: If you need a knight baby
I’m the one to dub
Tell me that I never have to sing
Outside of this tub
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