"When It Comes To Making Friends" é uma canção no episódio "Clube de Aventura das Princesas" na série animada, Princesinha Sofia. Ela é cantada por Princesa Zooey.
I've traveled around the globe
On hundreds of far-flung trips
I've scaled towering mountains
And sailed on pirate ships
I've outrun minotaurs
Leapt from runaway wagons
Parachuted off cliffs
Gone wing-walking on dragons
Yeah, all that and much more
I sure know to do
But when it comes to making friends
I just don't have a clue
Yeha, put me in a jungle
And I know how to thrive
But in a Royal School
How can I survive?
(Parte Instrumental)
Yeah, there's a whole lot in the world
That I know how to do
And when it comes to making friends
I've a chance at that now too
Put me in a jungle
Yeah, I know how to thrive
And in this Royal School
Now I might just survive
When it comes to making friends
I'ts finally true
I know how to
And that's because of you
I know how to
All because of you