The Broomstick Dance é uma canção no episódio "O Dia da Caldeiração" em Princesinha Sofia, cantada por Sofia, Lucinda, Lily, Indigo e as demais bruxinhas.
Todas: Now is the time in the Cauldronation
When we dance around in celebration
A little witchy groove
Full of eerie spooky moves
Come swirl with us and twirl with us
Join this magic dance sensation
It's the Broomstick Dance
Full of spells and chants
If all goes without a hitch
Soon we'll have a midnight witch
The Broomstick Dance
The Broomstick Dance
Sofia (falando): It looks like they're getting along, doesn't it?
Lucinda (falando): I don't believe it, but... it really does!
Todas: Now we skip to the left and slide to the right
As the day slips away into the night
Let's dance around her stick
Do a spell with a little kick
To give this broom some extra zoom
So we can fly at the speed of light
It's the Broomstick Dance
Full of spells and chants
If all goes without a hitch
Soon we'll have a midnight witch
The Broomstick Dance
The Broomstick Dance
The Broomstick Dance