My Finest Hour é uma canção deletada de Aladdin, que seria cantada por Jafar, mas foi cortada e subistituida pela reprise de príncipe Ali.
[Gênio: You know, Al, I'm getting really... I don't think you're him. Haven't I seen your picture in the post office side view?
Jafar: I am your master now.
Gênio: I was afraid of that.
Jafar: Afraid?]
Oh, I love it when you say
Little words like 'afraid', what a thrill
And you, my porky protégé
Are the means I shall use to instill
Trepidation, terror
In the hearts of those who kept me out
Of power
So, prepare to bust a gut
As I unleash a glut
Of wishes... nothing but
My finest hour
[Genie, grant me my first wish!
I wish to rule on high, as sultan!
Sultão: What — what is this? What's going on? I, I — !
Jasmine: Father?
Jafar: Ahahahahaha...
Sultão: Jafar, you... vile betrayer!
Iago: That's sultan vile betrayer to you!
Aladdin: Oh, yeah? We'll just see about that! ... The lamp!
Jafar: Hmhmhmhmm...]
Finders keepers, buckaroo
What a joke you've become, Prince Ali
[Aladdin: Oh, boy. Genie, no!
Genie: Sorry, kid. I've got a new master now.
Sultan: Jafar, I order you to stop!]
You can order 'til you're blue
There's a new order now; bow to me
[Jasmine: We will never bow to you!
Iago: Why am I not surprised?]
You're worse than foolish
If you peasants aren't prepared to bow
Then cower
Now, let's really go to town
Genie, take this next wish down
It's a killer and will crown
My finest hour
Genie, my second wish!
I wish to be... the most powerful sorcerer in the world!
Aladdin: Genie, stop!
Iago: Ladies and gentlemen, a warm Agrabah welcome, for Sorcerer Jafar!
Jafar: Now, where were we? Hah, ah, yes... abject humiliation.]
Now, my pretty puppet pet
Meet a blast from your past, and who's he?
[Iago: He's an urchin from the backstreets of Agrabah! Say hello to your dream date —]
— As he was was when you first met
Vermin rodent, the ex-Prince Ali
[Iago: Or should we say, Aladdin?
Jasmine: Ali!
Aladdin: Jasmine, I... I, I tried to tell you — !]
Your magic carpet
Just can't hold a candle to a
Flying tower
Iago: Now, let's see. Where does he belong? Ah, could it be, eh, the ends of the earth!?
Jafar: Works for me!]
Arrive beyond the pale
With a rocket on your tail
And your journey will unveil
Foreign travel on a scale
That would make a camel quail
With a doomed and dying wail
As the world stands by to hail
My finest hour
Iago: Bye! See ya! Don't forget to write!]